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Become a
Contributing Donor


The mission of Center Stage Theatrics is to foster and develop artistic talents and skills for the youth of Oregon and beyond.  We are dedicated to providing top quality theatrical education and performance. ​ Your financial contributions will help CST by funding scholarships, program development, outreach programs and more. We invite you to join us as we begin this exciting adventure.


Center Stage Theatrics is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  

Spotlight Supporters
Monthly Giving


Peggy Beasley

Barbara Curtis & Dan Cheek

Nicole Holmes

Carolyn McCloskey

Noah Miller

Seth Renne

Liz Rogers

Mathieu Voisine



Our Generous Supporters


Peter and Janelle Carey

Gabe Cook

Patty Cook

Terry and Laura Cook

Liz Fodge

Ronni Lacroute

Emily Matsuda

Sheldon P

Linda Prince

Beth Staats

Fred & Linda Stahl

Grant Stephens


Proudly Supported By These Local Businesses

Supported by Capitol Auto Group
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